Sunday, August 30, 2020

Welcome Back to School 2020

Welcome Back to School! 

Our Lincoln School staff can hardly wait to welcome our new and returning students and their families to the 2020-21 school year. Whether you are returning to site-based instruction or attending virtually through SJVS, we are confident your child will learn and grow in a nurturing environment. 

Throughout the summer, we have been busy learning together and preparing our school environment, keeping safety and social connectedness in mind. Please be sure to watch the video linked below regarding our new school routines and procedures for site-based instruction. Keeping our students and staff members safe is a top priority for us all. We look forward to beginning another year together as partners in your child's educational journey. 

All the best, 
Craig Hubble

Much of the information that follows is for Face-to-Face families.  Even if you are staying home and learning through the virtual program, please take some time to read through the blog.

Attendance Times 
 8:45 a.m. Students Enter Building 
 8:55 a.m. Tardy Bell Rings 
 3:50 p.m. Dismissal 

Students enter at 9:45 a.m. on late start days 
Half Days Dismissal is at 12:34 p.m. 

Please note that due to the phase-in schedule, there will not be a late start on September 16th. 

Due to safety concerns, students may not be dropped off prior to 8:45 a.m. (9:45 a.m. on late start days). There will not be before school supervision this school year. Students will not be gathering on the playground as in past years. Instead, they will enter the building according to the maps below and head directly to the classroom. If you have children in multiple grade levels, please determine which location is best for your family. You will only need to go to one spot for drop-off and pick-up. Students and adults must wear masks at all times while outside of the vehicle. 

SJ Bears Mask Up! 
All students and staff members are required to wear a mask to school daily. SJPS will be gifting your child two masks. You are certainly welcome to send your child in a different mask as well. Please keep in mind that all masks must cover the face from the the top of the nose to under the chin. Homemade masks are great and should be at least two layers. Masks must be taken home and washed daily. Thank you for your help with protecting our SJ Bears! 

Phase-In Plan and Survey 
This year we have a staggered start over the first two weeks based on student last names. Please study the infographic:

In addition, if you have not done so already, please complete this survey as soon as possible: 

Transportation Arrangements for Dismissal 
If your child is planning to ride the bus this year, please be sure that you complete the Transportation Ridership Survey as soon as possible. We will not have families complete the yellow ridership cards this year. Bus Routes will be posted on the District Website this week. You will need to determine the stop closest to your home for pick-up and drop-off for all students in Young 5s through 5th grade. If you have additional transportation needs, please contact Sara Petrosius, SJPS Transportation Director, at or 269-926-3900. 

Your child’s safety is a top priority for us! Please be patient the first few days of school as our drivers work to welcome new riders, establish routines, and double check student names. Often, routes tend to run a little longer the first few weeks.  

Young Fives & Kindergarten Orientation 
is Tuesday, September 1st! 
We look forward to welcoming our youngest students and their families on the playground according to the schedule below: A - K: 5:30 - 5:50 p.m. L - Z: 6:00 - 6:20 p.m. While we are not able to hold a traditional Ice Cream Social this school year, we will be sharing a welcoming video with our new and returning students later this week - stay tuned! Due to safety protocols, our Back to School Night event will also be a virtual event this year. Your child's teacher will be sharing more information soon. 

Emergency Contact Information 
Please take a moment to update and sign your child's emergency information form that was mailed to you in your Back to School packet. This should be sent to school the first day your child attends. Please note that address changes require a proof of residency. See Janet Trumbley in the school office if you have recently moved. 

Attention Families New to Lincoln School: 
All enrollment/registration materials need to be complete before the school year begins. If you still need to upload your child’s birth certificate, immunization record, physical, hearing/vision tests, or your proof of residency, please do so as soon as possible. Your child cannot attend school until the record is complete. 

School Supplies 
St. Joseph Public Schools will provide your child with all necessary materials for school. If you would like to provide additional supplies, we would suggest the items listed by grade level below. 

National School Breakfast and Lunch Program 
Our breakfast and lunch calendars can be found on our website linked here. Breakfast Grab-n-go bagged breakfast will be offered daily in the cross halls from 8:45 a.m. - 8:55 a.m. Students will eat breakfast in his/her classroom. Lunch Student lunches are available for purchase daily. Please click here to learn more about setting up your child's lunch online account. School lunches will be delivered to your child's classroom. Every class will have their very own adult supervisor daily! Free/Reduced Meals Applications for free and reduced price breakfast/lunch were included with your child's welcome back mailing or can be filled out online at (one application per household). Breakfast/Lunch must be purchased until applications have been received and qualification has been determined. Families will be notified when their application has been processed. If there are any questions regarding your application or if assistance is needed filling out the form, please call Demrhy Youngquist at (269) 926-3127. 

Summer Learning Challenge 2020 
Please have your child return his/her signed Summer Learning Challenge paperwork during the first week of school.

Contacting Our School Office 
We are here to partner with you! Please don't hesitate to reach out to our school office at 269-926-3700. When calling school to report your child's absence, please press 1. Calls related to attendance are required prior to 8:45 a.m. The school office is open daily from 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. during the school year. Please leave a message if calling after hours. You may also reach office staff via email: Craig Hubble, Principal Janet Trumbley, School Secretary 

Follow us on our Facebook page for opportunities to get involved and last minute updates. Click to join the SJLincolnPTO closed FB group. 

It is the policy of the St. Joseph Public School District that no person shall, on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, sex, disability, height, weight, or marital status be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to, discrimination during any program, activity, service or in employment.


  1. Hello! So since students drop off/pick up is only the back of the building and my second grader is door one which is the front of the building they will have to walk from the back of the building and all of the way around to get in?

    1. here’s parking on orchard now after they have done all the rod construction. My plan is to just try to park on orchard and walk my second grader to the front! Better than trying to get them past the playground. Lol

  2. There’s parking on orchard now after they have done all the rod construction. My plan is to just try to park on orchard and walk my second grader to the front! Better than trying to get them past the playground. Lol

  3. Good afternoon, I've attempted to contact the school regarding virtual learning for the upcoming school year. I don't have an email, letter in the mail, or directions regarding her teacher, books, computer, start and end times, engagement, or anything. Can someone from the school please assist?
    Thank you,

    Quin Braylock
