Sunday, November 29, 2020

Lincoln School News for Nov. 30-Dec. 4, 2020

The launch of the Positivity Project (P2) was great! We will introduce a new character trait each Monday so, let's make every Monday a P2 T-shirt day. You can help by encouraging your child to wear their T-Shirt every Monday.  
A huge "Thank you to our PTO for the T-Shirts!"

For those of you in the Virtual Program, I will be communicating with the SJVS teachers and if they are planning to use the program too, we will get to work on t-shirts.  Stay tuned...Last week, we focused on Gratitude. Did you know that gratitude is the single best predictor of individual well-being? It is correlated with increased energy, empathy, happiness and optimism.

If you would like to check out information you can use at home, check out the P2 Family link (the password is P2)

This week, we will focus on "Kindness." 

Kind people think about the needs and feelings of other people, and then act to help those people. Kind people are selfless. That is why a true act of kindness is distinct from helping another person in order to simply gain something for yourself. An individual with the strength of kindness helps others because it’s the right thing to do, not because they expect any reciprocal treatment or gain in reputation.

This Week at Lincoln School!
Monday, November 30
Tuesday, December 1
Wednesday, December 2 - Late Start
Thursday, December 3
Friday, December 4

Masks must be worn throughout the school setting, with the exception of eating time or during a masking break when distanced from others. Please be sure to screen your child's health prior to attending school everyday using the guide linked here. Your assistance with this is vital to us staying together safely. 

Teacher Blogs


Please download the Box Tops for Education app by visiting

Box Tops receipts for delivery services, such as Shipt, now work with the digital Box Top collection. For more information, visit

St. Joseph Virtual School 's blog is now available! 

SJVS Families, click here to access content from Mr. Pratley. Be sure to bookmark the link:

Thank you for continuing to adhere to our daily screening guide posted on our district's website before sending your child to school. It is imperative that we work together to safe safe so that we can stay in school. 

Check out the positive messages and celebration of our community on the St. Joseph Public Schools Foundation blog.
Click here to enjoy! 

Looking for fall activities to enroll your child in? 
Check out local offerings by visiting our 

It is the policy of the St. Joseph Public School District that no person shall, on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, sex, disability, height, weight, or marital status be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to, discrimination during any program, activity, service or in employment.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Lincoln School News for November 23 - 27, 2020


We will officially begin our Positivity Project (P2) partnership on Monday! We are so delighted to join over 560 schools across the nation who have made the commitment to empower our youth by explicitly teaching and discussing the 24 character strengths during daily class meetings. The family letter linked here will explain more about this partnership. Thank you for taking a look. 

We will launch this initiative Monday with the character strength "gratitude".  Speaking of gratitude, we would like to thank our supportive PTO for purchasing t-shirts for all of our staff and students to celebrate the character strengths that we will all learn and exercise this year. You are all so generous!

On Monday, your child will be provided a shirt that he/she will wear to celebrate the school-wide launch. When your child wears it home, it is your to keep.  We will publish dates for P2 Fridays (similar to Bear Wear Fridays) throughout the year. Please plan to have your child wear his/her P2 shirts on these days. 

Want to learn more about  P2?  Click here to access their family site and here to learn more about the community impact of this project.  

Hey Virtual Bears!  We are working on the yearbook and we want to see you in it!  Please email pictures of the creative ways you’re learning this year to Mrs. Mandarino at  to include in this year’s yearbook.


1:1 Initiative Kicks Off Successfully!

We are delighted to have our 1:1 devices for all of our K-5 students! Thank you for your help to ensure student Chromebooks are charged nightly and returned to school each day in the school-issued sleeve. As a reminder, chargers should be kept at home. You can access the family letter and video from our Director of Instructional Technology, Amy Dirlam, by clicking here.

A site was created to answer many questions related to this initiative, please click here to access our SJPS Student/Parent Digital Handbook.

This Week at Lincoln School

Monday, November 23 - Launching the Positivity Project (P2) !!! and Book Fair

Tuesday, November 24 - Book Fair

Wednesday, November 25 - No School, Thanksgiving Break

Thursday, November 26 - No School, Thanksgiving Break

Friday, November 27 - No School, Thanksgiving Break

For those returning or starting at Lincoln School, we are delighted to welcome you to face-to-face instruction beginning on Monday, November 23rd. We’re looking forward to continuing our partnership with your family.  Below is important information that will help to ensure a smooth transition into the school setting. 

Our drop off and pick up routine is a bit different this year. Please look at the attached maps for guidance. Please note that our start time is 8:45 a.m. on typical school days and 9:45 a.m. on late start Wednesdays. Due to safety protocols, we are not able to offer before school supervision this year. In addition, students are not able to stage on the playground before school as in years past. When the school doors open at 8:45 a.m. (9:45 a.m. on late start days), your child will enter through their specified door (see diagram) and will go right to their classroom. If your child will be riding the bus at all this year, please call our transportation department at (269) 926-3900 to make arrangements. 

Masks must be worn throughout the school setting, with the exception of eating time or during a masking break when distanced from others. Please be sure to screen your child's health prior to attending school everyday using the guide linked here. Your assistance with this is vital to us staying together safely. 

Again, welcome back to Lincoln School. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions. 

Teacher Blogs

Scholastic Book Fair

The Scholastic Virtual Book Fair is happening now! Please click here to learn all about it and click here to order directly.

Our Lincoln School Media Center receives a portion of the profits that go right back to purchasing new books for our students. Thank you for ordering!


Please download the Box Tops for Education app by visiting  


Box Tops receipts for delivery services, such as Shipt, now work with the digital Box Top collection.  For more information, visit

St. Joseph Virtual School 's blog is now available! 

SJVS Families, click here to access content from Mr. Pratley. Be sure to bookmark the link:

Thank you for continuing to adhere to our daily screening guide posted on our district's website before sending your child to school. It is imperative that we work together to safe safe so that we can stay in school. 

Check out the positive messages and celebration of our community on the St. Joseph Public Schools Foundation blog.
 Click here to enjoy!  

Looking for fall activities to enroll your child in? 

Check out local offerings by visiting our 

It is the policy of the St. Joseph Public School District that no person shall, on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, sex, disability, height, weight, or marital status be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to, discrimination during any program, activity, service or in employment.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Lincoln School News for Nov. 19 - Nov. 27, 2020

Today's blog post provides information for families that are returning to Face to Face instruction.  Also included, are details for the rest of November.  Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone, but please take the necessary precautions to remain safe and healthy.  If anyone would enjoy a refresher from the beginning of school, scroll down to check out the Lincoln School News Blog Post from August 30, 2020 Titled: Welcome Back to School 2020

Here is a video that might remind you of your Lincoln School Family:

Friday, November 20 - Half Day Dismissal at 12:34pm, End of 1st Trimester, Book Fair

Monday, November 23 - Launching the Positivity Project (P2) !!! and Book Fair

Tuesday, November 24 - Book Fair

Wednesday, November 25 - No School, Thanksgiving Break

Thursday, November 26 - No School, Thanksgiving Break

Friday, November 27 - No School, Thanksgiving Break

Monday, November 30

For those returning or starting at Lincoln School, we are delighted to welcome you to face-to-face instruction beginning on Monday, November 23rd. We’re looking forward to continuing our partnership with your family.  Below is important information that will help to ensure a smooth transition into the school setting. 

Our drop off and pick up routine is a bit different this year. Please look at the attached maps for guidance. Please note that our start time is 8:45 a.m. on typical school days and 9:45 a.m. on late start Wednesdays. Due to safety protocols, we are not able to offer before school supervision this year. In addition, students are not able to stage on the playground before school as in years past. When the school doors open at 8:45 a.m. (9:45 a.m. on late start days), your child will enter through their specified door (see diagram) and will go right to their classroom. If your child will be riding the bus at all this year, please call our transportation department at (269) 926-3900 to make arrangements. 

Masks must be worn throughout the school setting, with the exception of eating time or during a masking break when distanced from others. Please be sure to screen your child's health prior to attending school everyday using the guide linked here. Your assistance with this is vital to us staying together safely. 

Again, welcome back to Lincoln School. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions. 

Teacher Blogs

The Scholastic Virtual Book Fair is happening now! Please click here to learn all about it and click here to order directly.

Our Lincoln School Media Center receives a portion of the profits that go right back to purchasing new books for our students. Thank you for ordering!


Please download the Box Tops for Education app by visiting  


Box Tops receipts for delivery services, such as Shipt, now work with the digital Box Top collection.  For more information, visit


St. Joseph Virtual School 's blog is now available! 

SJVS Families, click here to access content from Mr. Pratley. Be sure to bookmark the link:

Check out the positive messages and celebration of our community on the St. Joseph Public Schools Foundation blog.
 Click here to enjoy!  

Looking for fall activities to enroll your child in? 

Check out local offerings by visiting our 

It is the policy of the St. Joseph Public School District that no person shall, on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, sex, disability, height, weight, or marital status be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to, discrimination during any program, activity, service or in employment.