Thursday, November 10, 2016

Lunch Accounts
It's Thursday!  Please check your child's backpack &/or daily folder today!  Students/Families that owe money on their lunch account will receive notice today.  These notices are sent out each Thursday.

If your account is over for an amount up to $12.24, then you receive a purple notice slip.

If your account is over $12.25 or more, then you will receive a letter in an envelope and your child's lunch card will be pulled on Monday, November 14th unless payment is made so less than $12.25 is owed on the account.  If your child's lunch card is pulled, they will only be able to choose an alternative lunch (soybutter & jelly or a cheese sandwich, fruit, vegetable and milk).

Our free and reduced lunch program is a wonderful program for our kids, and the kids, nor staff ever know who is or is not on the program.

If you would like a free and reduced lunch application, please stop by the office, or let Mr. Wagner know and he'll send one home in an envelope with your child.

Lunch accounts are charged for a full lunch even when a child has to have one of the alternative lunches.  Families who are awaiting for their free and reduced lunch application approval are responsible for payment of lunches taken/eaten prior to approval.

When lunch cards have to be pulled, it puts school personnel in a tough situation.  We do NOT want to be the ones who have to explain to a child why they have to have an alternative lunch, a lunch they generally do not want.  This is the responsibility of the child's parent.

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